Knowledge base

Financing structure
Importance of optimal capital structure

Read the article for better understanding of financing structure – what should be the proper mix of account payables, financial obligations and equity funding, what are the related challenges, how financing structure impacts the value maximization, etc.

CRM program, CRM sistem
CRM tools & philosophy

Read about the role of Customer relationship management as philosophy of focusing on clients & relationship and important benefits that introduction of right CRM tools bring – simplicity, transparency, speed and flexibility.

Takeover defenses
Takeover defenses

Takeover defenses consider activities and measures with one common goal – preventing a hostile takeover. They are classified into groups according to the impact on the transaction: delay, voting, protection, other defenses, state law.

EBITDA and EBITDA margin

The EBITDA is a well-known financial metric. It is considered as the best approximation of operating cash flows and thus consequently a crucial indicator for managers, bankers, appraisers, analysts and other industry practitioners. Read about the meaning and use of the EBITDA.

Company value
Business valuation booster – tips & tricks that work!

Tips & tricks how to build-up your business valuation without knowing anything about complex business valuation methods. Maximizing the business valuation through improvement of cash-flows, optimization of net working capital & net investments, enhancement of growth potential and minimization of risks involved.

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